Monday, March 26, 2007

Catching up with my cousin...

I hadn't seen Busubelly in almost 10 years and I must say...she's grown up to be a lovely 23-year-old woman. A few months away from graduating from college, she's a very talented artist full of ambition, energy, and big, big dreams. Oh, and the occasional bad dream...

"I keep having this recurring nightmare in which all my teeth fall out and then suddenly, I'm surrounded by hundreds of little midgets serving me huge bowls of chocolate pudding," she tells me over dinner Saturday night.

I envision this "nightmare" of hers. For a few long, luxurious moments. "Sounds like a dream come true to me!"


Anonymous said...

I have the teeth falling out dream as well......but no midgets. Just teeth, one by one, falling out, with a little blood and immense panic!

Although, since meeting La Cubana the dream hasn't occurred. Moral of the story.....Cubans are good for your sleep patterns and teeth ;)

Anonymous said...

Holy cow, I thought I was the only one that had THAT dream! The teeth falling out dream!

Weird.... Although not quite as weird as ALSO having little people serve up dessert afterwards. Busubelly sounds like a hoot.

Brown said...

Dreaming about losing teeth is actually pretty common and most seem to agree that it means getting older, or moving into another phase of your life and feeling a little anxious or insecure about it. This dream has also been related to death, or losing something significant.

However, if you dream about midgets feeding you pudding afterwards, then that definitely means oral sex.

Jay said...

It could be worse.
They could have serving her corn on the cob.

mist1 said...

I've had dreams about my teeth crumbling and falling out. They're bad.