Friday, February 9, 2007

Japan is fantastic, part ichi

I will have much to report about Japan when all is said and done. But before I'll have the time to devote to a proper recounting of this bombardment of the senses with all things so wonderfully Japanese, there is one thing above all else that has made a warm first impression on me. And it can be best summed up in three words:

Heated. Toilet. Seats.

They're everywhere. And oh my gooooooodness! My buns have never known anything so divine! If the Japanese ever intend for me to go back to my country, then they should probably stop serving me so much green tea with my meals. Because green tea leads to a full bladder which leads to at least half an hour in a bathroom taking full advantage of the seat. One can miss a plane in circumstances such as this!

Off to Kyoto for the weekend. Hmmm....I wonder if they have heated toilet seats there too...

PS - Sharon & Waspgoddess, the comb-over story you requested earlier is forthcoming as I saw the worst of offenders in the streets to Shinjuku the other day. I even managed to sneak a picture of the offense. Ooooh, just you wait!!


Sharon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sharon said...

Well I shall re write the deleted comment.

My husband is a barber here and also had a shop in the USA for 29 years. He has seen alot of comb overs and converted a few. There are some men who will hang on to that last strand and not let go!
Can't wait to see a Japenese comb over...

Heated toilet seats...great idea. Wonder if they are germ killers as well????

Waspgoddess said...

I once saw a whole TV program about Japanese toilets...

Heated toilet seats sound like bliss. And how I wish we had them here in this wretched country where you have to wear your coat to go to the bathroom to avoid pneumonia.

Can't wait for some Japanese comb overs. Pictures too, please...